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Liat Pose Hewan Lucu Yuk!


Liat Pose Hewan Lucu Yuk!

By ABC Australia

A kangaroo that looks like its playing an air guitar in a green field
Pose kanguru yang seolah-olah sedang main gitar karya fotografer Jason Moore.(Jason Moore: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)

Kita sering tidak sadar betapa dinamisnya dunia satwa yang penuh aksi dan drama. Ketika dipotret, pose tak sengaja dari mereka terlihat lebih lucu dan menggemaskan. Ada seekor rubah yang terlihat seperti sedang merokok, atau seekor anjing laut yang seolah-olah sedang terbang. Sebanyak 41 foto satwa terpilih sebagai finalis untuk penghargaan Comedy Wildlife Photo tahun 2023 ini. Ada ribuan foto yang dikirim fotografer profesional dan amatir dari seluruh dunia. Pemenang dari beberapa kategori akan diumumkan pada 23 November mendatang. Berikut foto dari beberapa finalis.

A spotty leopard in the grass looking surprised
Air-apparent by Paul Goldstein.(Paul Goldstein: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
An otter in a ballerina position with a green leafy background
Otter ballerina by Otter Kwek.(Otter Kwek: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A baby monkey with its mouth open and a finger touching its cheek
Just a kiss by Brigitte Alcalay Marcon.(Brigitte Alcalay Marcon: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
Two kangaroos with one baby kangaroo jumping behind the other with its arms up
Boing by Lara Mathews.(Lara Mathews: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A black and white money with its mouth wide open in the trees
Scream by Sergey Savvi.(Sergey Savvi: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A brown bear lying down in the bush putting his paw up
Picture me, picture me by Dikla Gabriely.(Dikla Gabriely: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A spotty seal jumping on the sand
Everyone can fly by Adrian Slazok.(Adrian Slazok: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A hyena on a dirt road smiling with its sharp teeth
What nice teeth you have by Henry Keepin.(Henry Keepin: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A brown beaver sitting in grass with a piece of grass in its paws
Flossing beaver by Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven.(Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A turtle with its shell and neck out of the water with a bug hanging on its mouth
Happy turtle by Tzahi Finkelstein.(Tzahi Finkelstein: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A bird that has accidentally flown into a tree
That wasn’t here yesterday by Wendy Kaveney.(Wendy Kaveney: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
Three birds on a tree branch with one of the birds pointing their wing
Dispute by Jacek Stankiewicz.(Jacek Stankiewicz: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A fox laying in the leaves with a stick in its mouth
Fox with a cigar by Dakota Vaccaro.(Dakota Vaccaro: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A white bird that has puffed up into a ball in the snow
Snowball by Jacques Poulard.(Jacques Poulard: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)
A monkey lying down holding its tail on a green, mossy step
The rainforest dandy by Delphine Casimir.(Delphine Casimir: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023)

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